Monday, May 5, 2008

Destruction in Darfur

Three years of fighting in Darfur have destroyed hundreds of villages, displaced 2.2 million and led to more than 400,000 deaths.

Should the United States send troops to intervene? Why or Why not?


Anonymous said...

Josh(SWGATC)This is a issue that needs to be addressed many might not like what im about to say but I really don’t care because this has been a issue that has been going on long enough and our former president thinks that a war in the middle east that cost the US billions of dollars is more important than helping a struggling nation escape from the horrors of genocide. Like former president George bush said about the issue in Darfur if “you get on that horse you have to ride it” well its time to mount up. I mean the government spent millions of dollars on the war on poverty in the early 80’s then it was the war on drugs in the late 80’s and 90’s and now they have switched it to a war on terror. Its nothing but a ploy for more money and a struggle for more power if you look deep into the issue when we first invaded Afghanistan only 10 % of the afghan people were growing opium but we invaded the country in late November and that same year opium production shot up to a astounding 60 % increase in the amount of opium coming from Afghanistan into the us, is this a coincidence I highly doubt that, but no we can afford to spend millions on fighting a war we cant win and im not even sure that they want to anymore I think the power and the outrageous budgets have gone to there head, but no they cant save a struggling people from damn near extinction and its all because the American government has no foreign interests in sudan we have no oil fields over there and no money to be made. In this world the government doesn’t care about people they care about money and that’s it.

Anonymous said...

Donna (SWGATC)
I don’t even know what to say about this. It is totally disgusting! I still feel that the money in the US needs to go for a lot of things here in our country first. We have people being abused, children raped, people hungry and sleeping in the streets. I wish we could help everyone in the world but we can’t. We are fighting wars and wasting money that we really don’t have and I’m really worried about where this is all heading. We are supposed to be the best and yet we can’t help our own people. Look how our vets are treated when they come back from war. We don’t take care of them. We also, don’t take care of our old people and our children. God help us all!

Anonymous said...

I sit and ponder the idea of whether to comment on such a sensitive issue such as foreign politics, but since it is for a grade…why not. Many consider the U.S. to be the country that “ saves the world”. Currently we are fighting 2 wars thousands of miles from home, while trying to keep our economy afloat. So, do I think we need anymore on our plate, hell no. I think maybe the U.N. needs to grow a back bone and go in and help those people out and give the U.S. a helping hand. Since the early 90’s we have been the country to stand up and say, “enough is enough”. Many consider the current wars a lost cause and ignorant use of tax payer dollars, claiming we don’t help America out like we should, and yet they still want to try and help countries in turmoil…right, that makes a lot of sense. Let me put it like this, build our economy back up and help our people out, while protecting our freedom or let our economy and people suffer and our nation fall under extremist rule, while attempting to restore order in a country that doesn’t care whether the U.S. exists or not.

Anonymous said...

Leona(SWGATC)The United States should intervene in Darfur South Africa. The U.S. has the capability to relieve some of the suffering that is being inflicted upon Darfur; however, the U.S. Government is reluctant to get involved due to our ties in the Middle East. The villages and the people who live there are severely poor. The women are being raped by the rebels and being shunned by the community. The ages that women are beaten, sodomized, raped and sometimes impregnated range from one years-old to ninety-nine years-old. If these victims are lucky enough to survive these brutal assaults; generally, they are forced to walk hundreds of miles across Sudan Dessert seeking out some kind of medical refuge. Often times, making this trek leads to severe dehydration, starvation and even death due to the exposure from the brutal elements in the Dessert. The reason for the rapes is to ethically cleanse these women in order to form a pure Arab race. The men leaders are being killed to stop reproduction of their race. All of these horrifying things that are currently occurring in Darfur; the people deserve some kind of peace in there lives and the U.S. should intervene to stop these brutal attacks to women and children and the killing of men.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion, there’s two things I don’t like to talk about and that’s politics and religion because either way it is going to spark an argument but I guess if I had a say in it, I would say let them fight their own wars cause we have enough to deal with at the moment. I can see both sides of this though, on one side we are already in a war losing American lives that doesn’t seem to be coming to an end but then on the other hand, it’s not right for other countries to practice genocide, killing thousands of people for no reason at all. So before I get somebody mad by reading this I’m going to end this blog.