Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Deadbeat dads

Watch the following video before responding.


Should lawmakers be more aggressive with pursuing child support cases? Are they doing enough?


Anonymous said...

Well, to start this thing off, as a father of three, I pay child support for my oldest and I have her every other weekend and all through the summer and anytime she is not in school. I don’t mind because it is my responsibility and as the old saying goes, you play you pay. Anyhow, I don’t agree with a boy (who thinks he is a man) that can’t man up and take responsibility for what is his and what he knows he needs to do. I’ve been paying child support for eleven years now and my daughter wants to live with me full time but her mother don’t want her to and I would love not to have to pay child support anymore but it’s my job, my responsibility and nobody else’s and I will continue to do what I got to until I die because my kids are worth every penny.

Anonymous said...

Leona(SWGATC)Dead beat dads are a common problem throughout the U.S. Dads today like to avoid the fact they have to pay child support and avoid getting a job or they can’t keep a job. To keep the lawmakers from putting them in jail they run or go from job to job so they cannot be tracked. There are too many holes in the system that allows these men to go through life without paying the consequences for their actions. Single moms are the ones that sacrifice a lot to support kids that they had help bring into the world by a man. Dads fail to involve themselves in their children’s lives. It’s very sad that the kids are the ones that experience much mental and emotional abuse from the parent that is never there for any of their needs and wants. The lawmakers need to find a better way to make these men pay the price. As of right now, there isn’t enough being done about our Dead Beat Dads there’s got to be a better way.

Anonymous said...

In my opinion their should be no such thing as a "deadbead dad" If you go out,and have a child with somebody, planed or unplaned you should be responsable for your actions. Men these days are just leaving it all up to the women. It takes two to tango,so don't expect the women to do it all.Lawmakers should be a lot more aggressive with child support. They just let some of these men walk away without helping the mother of their children. How fair is that? They always need to do more. It is hard these days to raise a child. Every penny helps,and someone needs to teach these so called dads a lesson. Its just not fair to the kids they should never have to do without the things they need.

Anonymous said...

Donna (SWGATC)
There is nothing worse than a man who won’t live up to his responsibilities. I believe the court system should go after these deadbeat dads. I can see it if the man has lost his job or hurt and can’t work. There should always exceptions for that. Dads who just run from one job to another to keep from paying child support are the lowest people in the world to me. I also feel that the mother should take responsibility also. She should be out trying her best to support the child, not sitting around on her behind and waiting the man to do it all. I also believe that the court systems should not make the child support so high that the dad can’t pay it. Sometimes that’s part of the problem and the dad just keeps getting further behind.