Monday, May 19, 2008

American Workers: Gassed Out....

Watch the video and respond. How do you handle it? What changes have you had to make?


Anonymous said...

Leona(SWGATC)The proliferation of gas prices has made an extreme impact on many people’s lively hood. Some of us have to drive long distances in order to make a living, or to even to make somewhat of a decent salary per year. The impact that proliferated gas prices have had on people mostly is people driving gas trucks, SUV‘s, diesel trucks and also lower income families. The bigger the engine the more gas or diesel you burn and the more money you dump into your tank. I personally have had to make some changes in my life style. I own a big truck and it is moderately good on gas but it could be allot better. I choose not to drive and go to many places because of the increased gas prices. I am also on a limited income and cannot afford to go on trips or afford to drive miscellaneous places. I have resorted to staying home.

Anonymous said...

Josh (SWGATC) Gas prices have deffentally affected the way me and every other american live our daily lives and even make a living. I have to drive from almost in tallahasssee to thomasville everyday and then back and thats not counting the miscellaneous places that i drive. Lately i have had to cut back on vacations that i would usually take. Its hard to cut back and change your lifestyle when your so used to doing what you want whenever you want to and even though you might have the money to go do those things you might not have the gas money to get there. Im not even the worst victim of this gas crisis look at the eighteen wheel truckers alot of them are out of work unless they work for a company like sneider or something like that but most of them are idependentally owned the the truck driver and if they dont have the jobs to keep them on the road then they cant eat or pay for there trucks and then they get repoed and dont have a job at all, no way to pay for there homes and then the family suffers as well

Anonymous said...

Donna (SWGATC)
Gas prices have certainly affected the way people live. I have been lucky enough that I just really cut back on places that I really didn’t have to go. That way I would have gas to go to work. Also, it wasn’t just the gas prices that went up. For instance, groceries went up a lot. What’s bad is that when gas went back down some, nothing else did. The groceries are just as high as they were during the gas hike. Now the gas is going back up for the summer. That is so ridiculous! It’s just another way for them to get more money out of us.