Thursday, March 13, 2008

Why appearance is important or not so important?

Is appearance important within our society? Consider how appearance perpetuates stereotypes.


Anonymous said...

Donna (SWGATC)
Appearance is very important when you go for a job or even in your everyday life. I believe when people look at you they form an opinion right off. I don’t think they should but I believe that’s the way it is. When you look for a job with earrings in your tongue and the professional person you are talking to cannot understand a word you’re saying, you probably won’t get the job. Same way with shirts that are short and you can see your skin or the rings in your belly button. As an employer I would not look twice at you.

Anonymous said...

Appearance is very important in our society today. People judge you by what your wearing no matter how hard they try not too they will. If you dress with attire that is no corrosponding with your work enviroment or school you will be judged. Therefor keeping a clean appearance and dressing nice will help people make good judgments of you. My personal opipion would be to dress the way you wan’t people to treat you. I strongly believe it is important to keep your apperance approtiate. Good hygine, grooming, and clothing shoud be considred when getting ready every morning. Most people need to keep that in mind each morning.

Anonymous said...

Trevor (SWGATC)
People make judgments about others by how they perceive them. If a person appears untidy or unkempt people might perceive them to be an untidy or lazy individual. However if that same person appears well dressed and speaks intelligently they might perceive them to be more tidy, and organized, and an intelligent person who knows what they are talking about. The reason this is important to our society is because appearance is everything. Managers do not want their employees to look like a bunch of bums for it might make customers lose confidence in their company but rather gain confidence by making sure their employees look proper.

Anonymous said...

I believe that sometimes appearances do have allot to do with everyday life but I do not believe that anybody should be judged based on how they look and what kind of person they are. On the other hand appearances do play a major role in today’s business because if u don’t fit the role in today’s world then it’s unlikely that u will advance or even proceed with your career with that company. Whether its right or wrong or if you meant to or subconsciously , everyone most likely judges someone else they first meet on first impressions.

Anonymous said...

Personally I believe that the way you carry yourself and the people you hang out with will speak for you whether you want it to or not. Appearance is very important because people are always looking at you to see what type of person you are. Most people who don’t have time to hang out with you and get to know you have nothing else to go by, but by how you carry and present yourself during the first encounter. There is a few saying that would be so appropriate for this question and they are “If you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas.” This means exactly what I stated above that you can’t be around any and everybody and expect to be seen in a very respectable spotlight because stereotypes are out there and have no respect of person who they tag.

Anonymous said...

I believe the level of importance that appearance may have is based on the audience that you will be addressing. Let’s take going shopping for instance. Wearing a business suit for such an occasion does appear to the public as though you have class and are of importance. However wearing casual clothing as opposed to 80’s style , “clubbing” attire shows the same image so the importance factor here is fairly low. In this case I believe you can be somewhat relaxed but appropriate. Now let’s take the same approach to a job interview. The level of importance in appearance is much greater. I don’t think wearing casual clothing is as acceptable as a suit or very formal attire. In closing no matter what other people see or think most of us wear what we feel is appropriate not what society feels is appropriate.

Anonymous said...

I believe your appearance is important because it shows others the way you carry yourself and the people you choose to hang around with will also show people what kind of person you are. Your appearance tells a lot about you. If you have a good appearance people will think highly of you because that shows them you care and have a good meaning for life and if you have a bad appearance you are more than likely to have people think bad of you so therefore they will speak badly of you if you hang around that crowd you shouldn’t.

Anonymous said...

Why appearance is important or not so important. I believe your appearance is important because it shows how u composes yourself on and off the job. In a work environment, you should dress accordingly, so if you work in a hospital, you should wear smocks. In a business environment you should dress in business attire such as suit and tie. You should have your hair cut or put up properly for the business you are in, such as if you are in the restaurant business you should have your hair cut are put up so that you don’t accidently put your hair in a customer’s food

Anonymous said...

Appearances are very important because it is an Impression of who you are. If someone does not care how they look it says a lot about them. I personally care very much about my appearance & hope I make myself approachable to other people. Most of the times I believe people do draw conclusions about the way you feel about yourself from the way in which individuals carry themselves. It can be very hard to show your best side all the time but it is so important to work on those things. At times my appearances can be negative dew to my attitude & find I have to concentrate on that.

Anonymous said...

Leona(SWGATC)Appearance plays a major role in today’s society for many reasons. Applying for a job or going to work, even walking or just simply shopping; looking nice is a big deal. Having clean hands and finger nails is an attention grabber. Your Hair needs to be in a neatly fashion, clean clothes and not wrinkled. People also need to wear proper shoes according to what type of job and environment they work in. People are very judgmental when it comes to appearance. It is the first impression that counts and says the most about the person you are. Appearance is a very important aspect in my life and it should always be a very important role in our society today, to succeed and further in everything we can accomplish in our lives.

Kendra Turner said...

I'm up tonight thinking through the idea of "appearances" and came across this blog. I believe human beings will act on everything either out of love or out of fear. The principal came into my classroom to check on things the other day. I became afraid in that moment and quickly scanned the room to make sure all kids were seated and everybody was working. After she left, I felt ashamed for being afraid. I was ultimately afraid of losing my job thus that's why I feared what the principal thought. I told her hello for the sake of appearances and I relaxed when I realized how well my class was doing, not because I cared for them and had their interest in mind, but because I was thinking of myself and how good it made me look in the eyes of the principal. In that moment I acted out of fear, not out of love. Realizing this, I felt ashamed, because in that instance I feared a human being more than I feared my god. Had I trusted that god loved me and had me right where he wanted me my fear would have been swept away. Because, in perfect love, there is no fear.

Anonymous said...

Ideally people would not judge you on your appearance, but instead your efforts and abilities. Sure, in today's society you'll get screwed over if you don't dress business-like every day, but one of the reasons that people get screwed over is because practically everyone is integrated into this idea that people can't be good workers unless they maintain a specific appearance. That integration is why people insist that appearances are important, just because everyone else goes along with it, and ostracizes those who don't conform. If everyone went to work in jeans and a t-shirt every day, it'd be commonplace, and no-one would get passed over for something so trivial as appearance.

Sure, in today's world, not dressing up exactly as society tells you will be bad for you, but it really doesn't have to be that way, and honestly... I really think it shouldn't be that way. We as a people should be trying to change society for the better, not just getting by as it is.

Unknown said...

The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance. See the link below for more info.
