Post your views about rules. Consider if all rules are right and fair.
Donna (SWGATC) I agree that you must have rules but that doesn’t mean that you always agree with them. Just because someone came up with a rule doesn’t mean it’s right. I’ve seen some rules that were really stupid. The city and county can really come up with some stupid rules and regulations. Even though we think they’re stupid we still have to abide by them. If we don’t follow rules we could be kicked out of school or work or even put in jail. Breaking the rules is never a good idea in any circumstance. There is no sense in arguing with anyone about them because that just makes things worse.
Leona(SWGATC)Rules are a very important detail in our lives. Having a set of rules to follow has a tendency to keep us adults in line, give us direction, and help keep us organized. All parents need to have rules for their children to follow also; it gives our children direction and teaches them to have some organization as they are growing into young adults. Having no rules the world would be crazy whether it’s at home, at work or at school. Most people think that rules are stupid to have as well as some of our laws. There is a reason for everything. We might know or understand why but you’ll find out eventually. Rules keep us humans safe and we have more control over our lives and families.
Hurley(SWGATC) Rules vary from a diplomatic level all the way to a personal level. Their reasoning also varies from protecting our fellow human being or our favorite pet to controlling an entire nation. I truly believe that for the most part rules in this country are put in place to protect us and provide some kind of law and order. Without them this country would be in total chaos. Crime rate would go up, along with poverty, vehicle vitalities, rape, child molestation, and counterfeiting of U.S. currency,. That in turn would cause the ultimate collapse in our economy. Life as we know would not exist. This country we live in would no longer be a safe place to raise a family or to have a fun day at our favorite amusement park. All of the luxuries we have in this country would cease to exist. We would then fall below third world countries. With that said, I do believe that rules are fair and just. However, people being how people can be tend to blow them out of proportion and make them unfair by bending them in such a way that they alone benefit from them. Still , it seems that the fair and right overwhelmingly outweigh the unfair and wrong.
Trevor (SWGATC) Rules are put in place by those who have authority over a community of people. Sometimes those rules only suit the interest of the ruler and not the community, which could perhaps lead to rebellion. Other times rules are put in place for the good of the community as a whole and not to the individuals, which can lead to conflicting interests within the community. However rules are not made in stone and in the past they have been broken by people who believed the rules to be unjust. To summarize rules are not about being right or wrong they are about order and security within a community.
Carlee(SWGATC) Ever since elementary school it has been programmed into us to follow "the rules." Some do and some don't. I always did, because I thought it was the right thing to do at that age. Now as I'm older, I do tend to break some rules, we all do. Some rules have a good meaning and are necessary, but some I just don't think are right. For instance, in high school there was this rule where you could get two bathroom passes the whole semester. Hello! If you need to go to the bathroom, you should be able to go regardless of the passes.
Ronald(SWGATC) Just because it’s a rule doesn’t mean it is right. There’s a lot of rules that some people may think is right, but others disagree. For instance school dress codes. A lot of kids do not understand why there are dress codes in schools. Even though it’s not proper to wear your pants around your ankles or your shirt not tucked in. And as with rules for grownups, such as tobacco, personally I think if you are grown it is your own decision to make. This is why many people have different opinions when it comes to certain rules in life.
Niki(SWGATC) Rules are very important to the world and its people today.Weather you think a rule is right or wrong you should still apply by it the best you can.Some rules people disagree with and so they think they shouldn't have to apply by them if they dont want to but somewhere down the road it hits them in the face and they have to pay the consequences for not following the rules.If you think about how awkward this world would be without any rules for people to follow.It would be a very exotic place and that would be a crazy way to live with everyone just doing what they want and not obeying the rules in life.
Donna (SWGATC)
I agree that you must have rules but that doesn’t mean that you always agree with them. Just because someone came up with a rule doesn’t mean it’s right. I’ve seen some rules that were really stupid. The city and county can really come up with some stupid rules and regulations. Even though we think they’re stupid we still have to abide by them. If we don’t follow rules we could be kicked out of school or work or even put in jail. Breaking the rules is never a good idea in any circumstance. There is no sense in arguing with anyone about them because that just makes things worse.
Leona(SWGATC)Rules are a very important detail in our lives. Having a set of rules to follow has a tendency to keep us adults in line, give us direction, and help keep us organized. All parents need to have rules for their children to follow also; it gives our children direction and teaches them to have some organization as they are growing into young adults. Having no rules the world would be crazy whether it’s at home, at work or at school. Most people think that rules are stupid to have as well as some of our laws. There is a reason for everything. We might know or understand why but you’ll find out eventually. Rules keep us humans safe and we have more control over our lives and families.
Rules vary from a diplomatic level all the way to a personal level. Their reasoning also varies from protecting our fellow human being or our favorite pet to controlling an entire nation. I truly believe that for the most part rules in this country are put in place to protect us and provide some kind of law and order. Without them this country would be in total chaos. Crime rate would go up, along with poverty, vehicle vitalities, rape, child molestation, and counterfeiting of U.S. currency,. That in turn would cause the ultimate collapse in our economy. Life as we know would not exist. This country we live in would no longer be a safe place to raise a family or to have a fun day at our favorite amusement park. All of the luxuries we have in this country would cease to exist. We would then fall below third world countries. With that said, I do believe that rules are fair and just. However, people being how people can be tend to blow them out of proportion and make them unfair by bending them in such a way that they alone benefit from them. Still , it seems that the fair and right overwhelmingly outweigh the unfair and wrong.
Trevor (SWGATC)
Rules are put in place by those who have authority over a community of people. Sometimes those rules only suit the interest of the ruler and not the community, which could perhaps lead to rebellion. Other times rules are put in place for the good of the community as a whole and not to the individuals, which can lead to conflicting interests within the community. However rules are not made in stone and in the past they have been broken by people who believed the rules to be unjust. To summarize rules are not about being right or wrong they are about order and security within a community.
Ever since elementary school it has been programmed into us to follow "the rules." Some do and some don't. I always did, because I thought it was the right thing to do at that age. Now as I'm older, I do tend to break some rules, we all do. Some rules have a good meaning and are necessary, but some I just don't think are right. For instance, in high school there was this rule where you could get two bathroom passes the whole semester. Hello! If you need to go to the bathroom, you should be able to go regardless of the passes.
Ronald(SWGATC) Just because it’s a rule doesn’t mean it is right. There’s a lot of rules that some people may think is right, but others disagree. For instance school dress codes. A lot of kids do not understand why there are dress codes in schools. Even though it’s not proper to wear your pants around your ankles or your shirt not tucked in. And as with rules for grownups, such as tobacco, personally I think if you are grown it is your own decision to make. This is why many people have different opinions when it comes to certain rules in life.
Rules are very important to the world and its people today.Weather you think a rule is right or wrong you should still apply by it the best you can.Some rules people disagree with and so they think they shouldn't have to apply by them if they dont want to but somewhere down the road it hits them in the face and they have to pay the consequences for not following the rules.If you think about how awkward this world would be without any rules for people to follow.It would be a very exotic place and that would be a crazy way to live with everyone just doing what they want and not obeying the rules in life.
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