Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Parenting Styles

Watch the following video clips:






Name and discuss the parenting style that you believe is the most effective. Why do you think your selection is the best way to parent your children?


Anonymous said...

Parenting Style
It was somewhat difficult to make a choice from the videos, due to you could barely hear them. But I’m going to try and do my best. I chosed the third video because it seems to me that the mother stuck to her word when she told the child no. I think that is the way it should be with parents and children. When we say no, that should be the end of it. We have to teach our children that when we say something we mean it and that is the way it is. We should have a clear understanding with our children and our children should have a clear understanding with us. We as parents have to show our children that we love them and is concerned and care about their well being. We should get involved in their school work and activities and show them that we are there to support them.

Anonymous said...

Penny (SWGATC)

I think the whole key to effective parenting is consistency and discipline. If a child knows they are going to be punished when they misbehave, they will be more likely to refrain from breaking rules. Also, if a parent tells a child they will take their cell phone, playstation, or TV, they should follow through with this. If a parent tells a child there will be consequences and does not follow through, the child will keep acting out because they know the parent will not be consistent. I feel that children thrive on schedules, as well as rules. We show our children that we care about the kind if individuals they grow up to become by discipling them, and showing them the right path to follow.

Anonymous said...

As Parents we don’t discipline our kids as often as we should . kids today are not like we were when we was growing up. Society today is totally different than what we are familiar with. As Parents we need to start to put a whole on our kids ,show them and teach them values of life. Childrens in today world have to much power and no respect for other people . We ,as parents need to cut down on their T.V. time ,take away cell phones, video games ,etc. and start focusing on making sure they get their education .Us parents need to start learning that being their parent comes first than their friend.

Anonymous said...

I dont think there a certain way to teach a class and I dont think anybody ways is the right way. Parenting is a very hard job and it takes dedication, time and you have to love what you do.And A important thing in parenting is showing that you care and you will be there for them no matter. And also the most important part descipline action

Anonymous said...

Josh (SWGATC) Its very hard to say what kind of parenting style is correct because the world is so different from what our parents used to believe in, the world is constantly changing and parents have to be able to adapt to the new and lose the old things that they have become accustomed to because children nowadays are so much different than I was when I was growing up. I believe in displine but I also believe that it’s at the parents discression and that its not always the best method because I can remember having hostile feelings after being displined and that just made me angry and made me want to go do it again or something worse to prove im my own person and that I wont change but then again I was 9 or 10.

Anonymous said...


I believe there are many ways to raise your Children. People have their own opinions of which method works the best. I personally would say an authoritative parent has the best outcome in rasing a happy child. The parents are more involved with their children,and seem to be a little bit more strict than the other parenting stlyes. This method is'nt the only one that works well. I have seen people come from very rough family situations,and turn out to be a really good person. It all depends on the parents. If they are willing to put in the time with their kids then the outcomes will be rewarding.

Anonymous said...

I believe a balance between authoritative and passive parenting is the best way to go. It seems as though children tend to run over people who are too passive which generally leads to bullying at school and things such as that. On the other hand a child who has a parent who is too authoritative tends to be afraid of them and usually grows up having emotional problems leading to personality disorders. However a child usually fairs pretty good when growing up in a balanced home. Not only do they have a better attitude about life but they tend to be more respective of people and property. But then again I have never been a parent so I guess I can’t say I know from experience

Anonymous said...

Donna (SWGATC)
It has been so long since I parented small children. I think at 19 and 20 I really didn’t have a plan. I did what I thought was right for my children at the time. If something I did wasn’t right, they haven’t told me yet. Maybe they won’t write a bad book about me when I’m gone. My mother always told me that children didn’t come with a recipe book. She was right! All you can do is the best you can do. Do everything with love and maybe you won’t have any regrets later. Children can make up all kinds of excuses for bad behavior. Not all the bad stuff kids do is the parents fault.

Anonymous said...

Leona(SWGATC)I have a nine year- old daughter and my parenting style is a cross between authoritarian and authoritative. I always try to follow through with the correct way of punishment. If my daughter doesn’t follow instructions she gets punished whether it’s a spanking or I will take her favorite privilege away. I don’t like to spank her unless it is completely necessary. She is too big to be spanked but I will spank her to let her know I mean business and show her I am the boss and she will do as she told or I will enforce punishment. I try to strive to be a better parent because I am a single parent and her dad is absent in her life and has been for most of her life. I am the mother and the father in raising my daughter and attending college. I will do my best to set a good example in my daughter’s life so I can be an idol in her life.