Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Work Ethics

Work Ethic Performance Standards
The mission of Georgia’s Technical Colleges is to provide the necessary skills for students to be successful employees in their chosen careers. To be successful in the world of work, graduates must possess both strong occupational skills and good work habits. We are committed to incorporating these good habits into every facet of the student’s education. The following are ten areas of work ethic traits and performance standards that all students are expected to exhibit in classrooms and laboratories.

Attend 90% or more of the required class time.
Be tardy for class no more than 3 times during the quarter.
Be prepared for class by reading assignments and completing homework.
Participate in activities by contributing to class discussion, completing assignments, and being involved in lab activities.
Begin and end work as expected.
Use work time appropriately.
Notify the instructor before planned absences or tardiness.

Display a high level of effort and commitment to performing and completing work.
Be honest in all situations.
Demonstrate trustworthiness and responsible behavior.

Encourage and facilitate cooperation, pride, trust, and group identity.
Foster commitment and team spirit.
Facilitate cooperation.

Present a neat, clean appearance.
Practice personal hygiene
Wear clothing suitable to the job, task, and environment.
Wear full regulation uniform, if required.

Display a willingness to cooperate and accept constructive criticism.
Set realistic expectations.


Observe established policies on safety
Notify proper authorities of circumstances or situations presenting potential safety hazards.
Maintain equipment and supplies.
Do not use or knowingly permit others to use tools and equipment improperly.
Make up missed assignments in a timely manner.
Stay on task and utilize time constructively.

*Organizational Skills
Prioritize and manage time effectively.
Demonstrate flexibility in adapting to changes.

Communicate accurate information to others in a professional and courteous manner.
Demonstrate appropriate nonverbal communication skills.
Listen attentively to others.

Convey a willingness to assist others.
Work to resolve conflicts and to identify solutions in which all parties benefit.
Demonstrate concern for treating people fairly and equitably.
Follow the chain of command in resolving conflicts.

Treat instructors, staff, and fellow students with respect, courtesy, and tact.
Do not engage in harassment of any kind.

Why is it important to teach Work Ethics in Georgia's Technical Colleges? Do you feel that it is necessary to teach this as a part of fulfilling degree requirements? Why or Why not?

Parenting Styles

Watch the following video clips:






Name and discuss the parenting style that you believe is the most effective. Why do you think your selection is the best way to parent your children?